The Team

These are the people

Macarena Mata PhD Msc

Ataraxy is a vision born from the professional work I have done in the conflict resolution field since 2005. I work as an accredited mediator (family, workplace and community), facilitator and trainer, engaging with executives, academics, teams and community groups on mediation, conflict resolution and self-awareness, as well as with young people in schools.

I also work as a conflict coach helping people understand how to change their relationship to conflict and prepare for mediation processes.

I am a trained assessor in accredited mediation programmes and supervisor, and I have lectured on conflict theory and reflective practice at the PgCert and MSc courses at Birkbeck College, as well as supervised LLM students at the University of Hertfordshire.

Ataraxy is accredited with the Family Mediation Council and I am member of the College of Mediators, Family Mediators Association, Association for Conflict Resolution and Mediators Beyond Borders Int’l (MBBI). At MBBI I am a faculty member for the International Peace Training Institute, and co-lead the Colombia/Latin America project.

I was born in Málaga, Spain, and have lived in London for the last 21 years with my husband.

Jan Coulton
Claire Jackson


Jane Guest MH MGNI

Well Being Sciences practitioner; Master Herbalist; Iridologist; Weiss Method Addiction removal practitioner.

Jane began her healing education in the Emin Society in London in 1974.  She practiced it during the 1970s in London and in New Zealand.   The training in healing and well being continued within the Well Being Sciences in 1997, when she became a Well Being Science practitioner.  Jane continues to update her healing and well being education and practical application to this day.

In her work as a Well Being Science Practitioner, Jane works from 2 active consulting clinics in both Cambridge and London and she runs Well Being and Healing workshops and courses in the UK,   She  has written 2 books about healing through herbs, and runs practical workshops and seminars about them in London, Cambridge and Germany.

In 1983 she began training as a herbalist with the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, and then in 2003 whilst training as an Iridologist with the Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists, also qualified as a Master Herbalist with the Association of Master Herbalists.   She continues to practice as a Master Herbalist and an Iridologist in her clinics. Jane learnt about the removal of addictions from a person’s life in 2017 and trained with the Weiss Method to become one of their addiction removal therapists.

Mark Ballabon